You don’t need new clients. You need dream clients.

You constantly need clients. There is no question there. But you don’t need any client. You need the right ones. Working with the wrong clients for your business will not only block you for meeting your dream clients but worse it can actually drain your energy and stop you from taking your business to the next level.


The wrong kind of clients will not understand you, will not value your time, and your energy and could even make you doubt that you should be doing what you are doing. Working with the wrong kind of clients will always make you feel like you are charging too much money which will push you to make bad decisions for the business and yourself.

The problem might not be what you are doing and how you are doing it. The problem might just be who you are doing it for.

Can’t attract them if you don’t know who to attract.

The first step is to define and understand who your dream clients are.

Whether you just launch your company or have been in business for a while, making sure that you are still attracting your dream clients is important. Be aware that might have changed over the years and that’s ok. That means you have evolved, too.

Why is it so important to know who they are?

The better you know them the more prepared you will be to work with and for them.

That requires to know their struggles, their needs, their pain points, the fear or blockages they might have before working with you. Visualize these points. Don’t try to convince yourself that your dream clients are patiently waiting for you with their arms open. By being aware of their current situation, you will also be better prepared to reassure them.

How to get to know them better?

Listen. Ask. Listen. Listening to your dream clients is going to give you A LOT more information than you ever wished for. Make sure you are in contact with your dream clients and you are part of their community.

Don’t be stubborn about the information they are giving you. If you believed your dream clients were looking for a particular service but you are now discovering the opposite, welcome that information and be adaptable. This doesn’t mean you have to change your offer every 2 weeks when someone tells you no. To be confident in your offer is also to be open to evolving.

Who should be your dream clients?

If you don’t know yet who they are, ask yourself who you would like to work with. Usually, it is much easier to work with people who are alike. They get you, they appreciate your enthusiasm and passions and you talk in a similar tone. It makes communication much easier.


Adapt your communication

Your communication should reflect 2 things:

1.       Your customers

Your communication will be drastically different if you are targeting higher-end hotels instead of young professionals buying their first home.

2.       Yourself

If your marketing is only reflecting your customers and you don’t feel aligned to it at all, you’ve got a big problem. Your communication should sound like you. If it doesn’t, it’s going to set wrong expectations and it soon will be no fun at all.


Serve your dream clients

Have their needs in mind before doing anything. What is it that you want to do? If you work with people, your service should help your clients. If it’s not serving them… what is the point and goal of your offer? Keeping your clients central will help you to create offers that are going to be liked and needed.  

Learn to say no

Once you know who your dreams clients are, learn to say no to anyone who isn’t them. Saying yes to everyone isn’t going to serve you. It’s better to refer a client to another firm that you trust instead of taking a client deep down you know you shouldn’t be working with. This will take up your energy and might result in a client that isn’t 100% satisfied with your services. If you are honest with them from the beginning, your reputation is going to positively grow, you will leave a positive memory on that client who will be more likely to refer to you in the future.


Get ready to work with people you enjoy, respect, and to whom you can really make a difference. Contact us today if you are ready to make moves towards your dream clients.


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