Time for Clarity: Set Your Intentions for your Business
How connected are you to your intentions? Are you able to summarize in 2 sentences what you do, for whom, what is your purpose as a company?
Whether you have been in business for some time or you are just starting, now is the perfect time to stop for a second and connect back to your intentions.
Why are you in business?
The time to get the map is before you enter the woods.
The clearer your mission and business purpose is, the easier it will be to communicate about it and to share your message with your potential customers.
Have you ever been in a situation where…
You have multiple ideas with different goals and it gets overwhelming. When you try to share your ideas with people, they often get lost, or they have a hard time understanding exactly what you mean. When you try to implement your ideas, it often gets confusing and you are not sure where to start anymore.
If that’s the case, that most likely means your business intentions aren’t clear, or you aren’t following them.
On the other hand, when your intentions are strong, when you know who your target market is when you set up clear objectives and your offer is detailed, communicating about it becomes much easier. People get it right away; customers come to you because they understand what you are offering, and your friends start referring people to you because they finally understand what you are working on.
The clearer your intentions with your business, the easier it will be for you to talk about it and for other people to talk about you.
Risks for not having clear intentions:
Risk #1: Saying yes to everyone means you are saying no to your ideal client
Imagine you are an interior designer that works on minimalistic work offices as well as luxurious hotels, but you can also help young couples to decorate their first home. This is getting confusing for everyone, and by trying to do it all, you might end up not doing anything. The couple will end up going with a company that highlights their style and mostly focus on private homes, the luxurious hotel will choose a luxurious interior designer, and the coworking place will get the same designer that did the other offices in the neighborhood.
Do you see what I’m saying? Having a clear target audience and the ideal project helps you to stay consistent and to have a communication that is relevant to that market.
Knowing your intentions and standing in it will help you attract the right customers.
Risk #2: Being too general stops you from being an expert
It takes serious commitment to your passion for becoming an expert at it. If you are being distracted by trying to please everyone by saying yes to projects that don’t belong to your vision, trying to be everywhere at the same time, you will end up not having enough time and energy to be specific and knowledgeable in one area.
Having clear intentions in the industry of your choice will help you become an expert at it, and people love working with experts.
Risk #3: Don’t settle in your intentions
Be in continuous learning and growing. Stay up to date with the latest news and trends, what is happening around you. Your business is meant to evolve as all the successful businesses before you have. Stand strong in your intentions, but be flexible to see new opportunities and grow.
Risk #4: Don’t rush into producing content
If your mission, vision, and intentions for your business aren’t clear, you are going to have a hard time to transition that into words and images. Don’t start with a logo, a brand name, and a website for your company. First, start by laying the foundation and the groundwork.
Be clear about your ideal customers, your offer, your pricing, your mission, and purpose, what needs you are trying to solve, and how.
Have fun in the process, the closest you will be from your business, the more details you will gather about what your business is about, the more you will be able to flow with it.
Your intention is your motivation. It is why you are doing what you are doing. If you don’t feel connected to your intention, how can your clients feel connected to your services and products?
Talking to a professional about your business and defining your intentions and vision can be extremely beneficial for the future of your company. We’d love to help you. Visit us on our website.