Simplify to Amplify

Simplify to amplify means to bring better focus on fewer more essential aspects of your personal life, as well as in your business, to reach higher goals and get more fulfillment in the realization of these goals.


Less is more.

Have you ever been in a situation in your life where you had all these projects and ideas but felt more tired than accomplished at the end of the day because you are running around all the time dispersing your energy?

Have you ever been on a website where there was just too much information that made you give up before buying anything or finding what you were looking for?

It’s the same thing for all aspects of your business.

We like clean, pure, to the point information and goals.

Trying to fit everything in to have a more significant impact doesn’t work. What happens is the opposite, your main message gets lost.

Here is how to simplify to amplify.

1.       Define one main mission

Are you able to describe your company’s mission in one clear sentence? If you can’t, it’s time to get some clarity. Ask yourself: why do you exist as a business? What are you offering to people? Who are you talking to?

Be crystal clear about your mission and create a robust one-sentence message.


2.       Make your processes easier

Is your day filled with repetitive tasks? You tell yourself there must be a better way to do it? Trust me. There usually is.

Being organized and automated in your work is critical to amplify and take your business to the next level.

List all the tasks you are doing over and over to get a better idea of where to start. Create canned responses to your most sent emails, use calendar-booking apps like Calendly to automatize meetings scheduling, and avoid back-and-forth emails to find a time that works for everyone. Sign up for a CRM system (Customer Relationship Management) to manage and make your interactions with current and potential customers more efficient. Have templates ready for your invoicing and budgeting. 

By cutting some of the steps you are doing over and over, you will start gaining your time back and improve your productivity so you can focus on what you do best.

3.       Create space


Literally in your office. Figuratively in your head.

Less clutter on your desk, in your surrounding areas, as well as virtually on your laptop will help your brain process information faster and focus on the essential. Test it out and welcome peace back in your space.

Feel less stressed and anxious and let the creativity flow. Feeling overwhelmed will get us stuck into a mindset where no reasonable solutions can come out of. Slow down, give yourself time and space to be, and take breaks to allow the inspiration to come back.  

4.       Take notes

Don’t try to remember things. Do you have an idea? Write it down right away and schedule times to go over your notes. Deadlines, meetings, follow-ups? Put them all in your schedule and add appropriate reminders so you can release the information from your brain, knowing it is in a safe place, and you will be reminded on time.


5.       Focus on your expertise and delegate the rest

What are you in business for? What is your area of expertise? Are you a designer? A writer?

Focus on that.

Make sure to give yourself the time to shine in your genius zone and to feed and grow your passion and your business.

What can you outsource? Accounting, marketing, packaging and shipping, customer communication, etc.

Getting the support of a team will genuinely make you grow. Not only you get to focus on the areas that you excel at, but you also get to work with people who are experts in the other fields and can bring you support and knowledge to grow your business. Don’t play small and get the expertise you are needing.


6.       Don’t overcommit

Evaluate your commitments regularly. Are they in alignment with your goals and mission? Where can you cut down and have more time for yourself?

You don’t owe your time to anybody. Saying no doesn’t mean you don’t care about a cause or a person.

Learn to say no to the things that aren’t in alignment right now so you can be fully committed to what you are saying yes to, including your dreams.

Less is more. Reduce the clutter, the distractions, and focus on the essential and your goals. Take space to be more creative, aligned, at peace, and happy.



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