Anchor Your Goals Why you Need to Move your Body to Change Your Subconscious Mind

We are four months into the new year. It’s time to take a moment to check on our New Year‘s intentions! We may have started the year with great goals but somehow we already feel behind and we are unsure on how to make them a reality. Can you relate? Have you lost some the January 1st motivation already? Don’t worry it’s not too late!

Here is how to stay motivated throughout the year and anchor our goals to make them happen!


Make clear detailed goals

In order to accomplish anything, you first need to define exactly what is it that you want to work on.

You need measurable goals in order to notice your improvement. Having a vague goal isn’t motivating because you are not exactly sure of the steps you need to take to make it happen. Being healthier this year is way too vague. What does it mean for you? Does it mean going to the gym, eating cleaner or losing weight? If so, how many times will you go to the gym? How many pounds do you want to lose? Do you want to be more eco-friendly this year? Write down exactly in what ways – by eating local vegetarian food on the week days, by reducing your plastic consumption by half, etc.

Then, make it even more clear and precise by adding a timeline - when do you want to get it done, how much do you want to accomplish by that date? Add details, be specific and have a clear picture in your head.

Embrace it in your whole body

Envision it! Close your eyes and imagine yourself accomplishing your goal. How do you feel? What sensations are rising in your body? Where do you feel them? Is it excitement, pride, happiness? Is your heart beating faster, your head feeling lighter? How does it feel?

Keep this positive energy and feeling in mind and write it down.

Now that you have a clear idea of your goal and how it will make you feel, embrace that feeling and practice the scenario of you succeeding your goal in your head and in your body as often as you can.

Having a clear picture in your head and pairing it with feelings will help you tremendously in achieving your goals.


When your mind takes over, move your body!

We’ve all been there. We had a great idea and felt really inspired but then the little voice in our head is trying to convince us that we are not good enough for our dreams and this isn’t something we can actually make happen.

First let’s get one thing clear: ideas don’t just blossom for no reasons. If you had the ability to think about a specific idea and transform it into goals it means you are worthy of this dream and you can make it a reality. Yes, you have it in you.

Now having doubts is totally natural and it is part of the process. So what do we do when they arise?

Doubts and fears are created by our mind to protect ourselves from the unknown. It is a normal behaviors to try to avoid the danger and discomfort that an unknown situation may bring. When they show up, don’t suppress them. Take a moment to acknowledge your fears and understand why they are here and what they are telling you. Listen to your doubts, listen to that little voice but don’t let it take the control of the situation. You are in charge here. Now if you don’t listen to your fears, they will get suppressed and one day explode like a volcano and make much more damage than if you had just spent some time listening to them.


Once you’ve listened, shake them off! Literally. Now is your time to move your body. Emotions and feelings like unworthiness need to flow and not be stagnant. Play some music, jump and dance and make it move! As adults we too often tend to ignore our feelings and think this is going to be the solution to make them disappear. As a result, we end up creating illness, feeling stressed and anxious and not being in our optimal state to make our dreams happen.

Start moving your body and the energy for 10 min a day and especially when you feel uninspired, stuck with a particular thought or just feeling a bit off.

If you need to have a tough conversation, move your body first and let the energy flow! Get out of your mind and in to your body! You will see yourself shine and have ideas popping up or names – reach out to these persons and see what happens. Open the doors that are in front of you and move in the direction of your dreams.


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